curated exhibitions
sexycutegirl49 wants to chat to you, shitwifiext.co.uk (2019)
curated by Alex Lennox-Warburton and Amy Matthewsshitwifi_ext is a Nottigham based art collective. We are interested in self surveillance; how we present ourselves in the virtual world and how others percieve us, challenging the way it has shaped ups as a generation brought up on social media. With this exhibition we aim to investigate the tension between you and your online persona through the works of six artists; Alex Lennox-Warburton, Amy Matthews, Beth Farbrother, Katie Bishop, Matt Saunders and Shane Sutherland. The virtual space was constructed by virtual reality artist Natalia Gill.
Tenuous Oasis, Surface Gallery (2020)
curated by Adam Ahmad, Jenna Harris, Katie Hillier, Alex Lennox-Warburton and Amy MatthewsTenuous Oasis poses the question: is it possible for nature and technology to work in harmony? In the same way that a bird’s nest is a technology employed by birds to protect their young, our own technologies can become naturalised once they are perceived as a normal part of everyday life. Enter into an immersive and unfamiliar museum exhibit where artefacts from an alternative multiverse represent timelines of lost civilisations and environments, all attempting to reach an Arcadia of their own design.